God’s Middle Finger, by Richard Grant

The Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico are a realm where danger and beauty dance a treacherous tango. Just a few miles south of the Arizona border, this rugged landscape is home to some of the world's most prolific drug producers and boasts a murder rate that would make even hardened criminals pause. It's precisely this lethal cocktail that drew British journalist Richard Grant like a moth to a flame.

In his captivating book God's Middle Finger: Into the Lawless Heart of the Sierra Madre, Grant plunges readers into a world most wouldn't dare to explore. His journey is a series of hair-raising encounters and surreal experiences that blur the line between adventure and madness. One moment, Grant finds himself participating in a Tarahumara religious ritual, drinking himself into a stupor with peyote-fueled shamans. The next, he's scouring the unforgiving terrain for buried treasures left by long-dead Apaches, guided by nothing more than local legends and a weathered map.

But the true heart-stopping climax comes when Grant becomes the unwitting prey in a twisted game of cat and mouse. Pursued by cocaine-crazed outlaws armed to the teeth, he finds himself running for his life through the treacherous mountain passes, every shadow potentially hiding a trigger-happy pursuer.

Throughout these harrowing experiences, Grant maintains a remarkable sense of humor and self-awareness. He doesn't shy away from describing his own fears and follies, painting himself not as a heroic explorer, but as an ordinary man way out of his depth in an extraordinary place.

So this is what it feels like to be hunted. My spine is pressed up against the bark of a pine tree. My heart hammers against its rib cage with astonishing force. Here they come again. Here comes the big dented old Chevy pickup with its engine roaring and its high-beam lights swinging through the darkness and trees. The men in the truck are drunk and they have rifles and now there are other men on foot looking for me with flashlights.
— Richard Grant, God's Middle Finger

Interesting Facts & Links:

  • Richard Grant is a travel writer and journalist known for his adventurous explorations and immersive reporting from some of the world's most challenging environments. Born in Malaysia and raised in Kuwait, Grant has traveled extensively through remote areas of Mexico, East Africa, and the American Southwest, producing compelling narratives that blend personal experiences with insightful observations on culture, history, and human nature.

  • There aren't many travel guides obviously that cover this part of the world in detail, so for more information on the Sierra Madre region, we simply recommend Wikipedia.​

  • This book is absolutely one of our favorites for those who like to read about adventure and exploration.  Click here to see our full list of our top recommendations on adventure books.

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