A Wolverine Is Eating My Leg, by Tim Cahill

Tim Cahill's A Wolverine is Eating My Leg is a thrilling rollercoaster ride through some of the world's most dangerous and awe-inspiring places. This second collection of adventure stories proves that Cahill hasn't lost his touch since his debut Jaguars Ripped My Flesh. If anything, he's upped the ante, dragging readers along on a globe-trotting odyssey that will leave you breathless, horrified, and laughing out loud – often all at once.

Imagine sneaking past the formidable Dian Fossey to catch a glimpse of Rwanda's mountain gorillas, only to find yourself face-to-face with a silverback. Picture the eerie silence of Jonestown, Guyana, where Cahill confronts the aftermath of unthinkable tragedy. Then, for a change of pace, join him on a comically ill-fated ice fishing trip in Wisconsin, where his macho pretensions are slowly stripped away by subzero temperatures and elusive fish.

Cahill seems to collect phobias like souvenirs, facing them head-on with a mix of bravery and bumbling charm. He swims with venomous sea snakes, their sleek bodies brushing against him in the murky depths. He stumbles through pitch-black caves, where a single misstep could spell disaster. And he hurls himself down treacherous ski slopes, his terror palpable as he describes "snow like wet concrete" and the very real possibility of becoming a "human missile."

What sets A Wolverine is Eating My Leg apart is Cahill's ability to find humor in the face of genuine danger. Whether he's battling dehydration in Death Valley or clinging to a raft in churning whitewater, his self-deprecating wit shines through. You'll find yourself chuckling at his misadventures even as your palms sweat in sympathy. This book isn't just a collection of daring escapades. It's a testament to the human spirit, our capacity for wonder, and our ability to find laughter in the most unlikely places. Cahill may not always be the most graceful explorer, but his heart and humor make him the perfect guide for this unforgettable journey.

The following stores, I see, span a sixteen-year period. Re-reading all these pieces - especially the less recent efforts - was like encountering good friends, old army buddies, for instance, after many years. I had a sense that it might be fun to take a few of these stories out for a drink, bring them home to dinner.
— Tim Cahill, A Wolverine Is Eating My Leg

Interesting Facts & Links:

  • Tim Cahill is a celebrated adventure travel writer and an editor-at-large for Outside Magazine.  His work has appeared in a number of national publications including National Geographic Adventure, the New York Times Book Review, and Esquire.  Learn more about Tim Cahill here.

  • Read Publisher's Weekly's review of A Wolverine is Eating My Leg.

  • This book is absolutely one of our favorites for those who like to read about adventure and exploration.  Click here to see the travelreads list of our top recommendations on adventure books.

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